Friday 21 February 2014

Easy Risotto

This is one of my favourites and a go to if I can't be bothered to be original when I get home from work.

The key for this recipe is to slowly add in your chicken stock and make sure that it has absorbed into the rice before you add in the next ladle. This ensures that as you stir you coax out all of the creamy goodness from the rice and end up with rich soft risotto.  

(Approx cook time: 45 Minutes)


  • 400g, Roughly 2 cups- Short grain (Arborio) rice
  • 6 cups (1.5 Litre) - Chicken stock
  • 1 cup - Parmesan cheese
  • 1 - Large glass of white wine, or two if you plan on drinking one ;)
  • 1 - Large onion
  • 2 - Celery stalks
  • 2 - Strips of bacon
Any fresh herbs you would like. Note: they are not required, but I love adding some fresh tarragon or parsley.


Begin by warming your chicken stock on medium heat.  *adding cold stock to the risotto will slow the cooking process and lengthen your cooking time.

Dice up your bacon, onion, and celery  into small 1/4" to 1/2" pieces.

Heat a large pot on medium heat and add your bacon, once the bacon begins to fry and release its fat add both your onion and celery. keep stirring until the onion and celery soften (Approx 2-3 min)

When soft add your rice to the pot and stir. Once the rice looks slightly translucent add in your white wine. It will absorb quickly into the rice.

Turn your stove down to Medium-Low and now you can start ladling in your warm chicken stock. Add the stock one or two ladles at a time and keep stirring until it absorbs into the rice, then repeat.

Keep adding the stock until the rice is softened and still Al Dente *still has some texture when you bite into it.
Note: Depending on your rice you may run out of  you run out of stock before your rice is soft; in this case just add hot water until the rice is ready.

Now that the rice has absorbed all of the stock your risotto should be thick and creamy. You can remove it from the heat and this is when we add in the parmesan cheese and herbs; Stir until the cheese is melted and mixed through.

Serve Immediately.


This is a basic recipe that I've shown above and it lends well to many other flavours.  I often add butternut squash or some peas.  This recipe also pairs well some short ribs or a roasted chicken breast.

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